Simon's Burial

Holy Family StatueYesterday, we buried Simon. It was a beautiful spring day with the sun shining and a light breeze blowing through the cemetery. My wife had collected some readings and prayers that we read together. I made it through the first with little trouble–Job’s prayer, Blessed be the name of the Lord. I broke down during the second prayer–Psalm 139–when I reached these words:

You formed my inmost being;

you knit me in my mother’s womb.

I praise you, so wonderfully you made me;

wonderful are your works!

My very self you knew;

my bones were not hidden from you,

When I was being made in secret,

fashioned in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes foresaw my actions;

in your book all are written down;

my days were shaped, before one came to be.

Simon remained largely “in secret”–we didn’t tell many people that we were expecting him. We only saw signs that he was with us; we did not see him until he had gone from us.

It was a beautiful day for a beautiful boy and we are so blessed to be his parents.

5 thoughts on “Simon's Burial

  1. Aaron, Yes, Thank you for your example. While I hope never to suffer this loss, I am encouraged and inspired by your and Jenny’s beautiful faith and deep love. Mass was said on April 29, the day after your burial, at our Catholic Center for your little family. What a beautiful touch of divine providence!

  2. Dear Jenny and Aaron,
    Thank you for the strength of your words and deeds. They have touched me greatly. I know Simon will be loved and longed for which gives me comfort that my love and longings for our babies,likewise lost to us in early pregnancy, are neither wasted nor inappropriate.
    It is good to remember they are with the Father, delighting in, and of great delight to Him.

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